Youth Discipleship Program

The teen years are some of the most critical in all of life. Choices made and character formed in these years can have a profound impact on the rest of a person’s life. We believe that Christian discipleship of the youth in Tololo and La Leona is one of the most important things we can provide for them. Their physical hunger as children has been helped by our milk program but their spiritual hunger as young adults must be addressed after that.

Run by our friends at SuNica at our request, specifically for the youth of Tololo and La Leona, the discipleship program teaches the young people that they are loved by God and valuable to Him. When taken to heart, this knowledge breaks the vicious cycle lived for generations and produces a beautiful new cycle:

The youth meet once a week to receive godly teaching from two teachers hired specifically for our project. Periodically they have special events such as trips to the beach, and a few times a year they have the opportunity to go several hours away to a beautiful mountain retreat center to spend a few days listening for the Lord’s voice.

Your $30 per month can make an eternal difference at a pivotal moment in a young person’s life. Will you partner with us today by sponsoring?